I’m a helper at heart. I knew from a young age I wanted to help people who were hurting in any way to lessen their pain. I wanted them to feel better about themselves, their circumstances, and overall in their lives. Assisting individuals to live happier, healthier, and more fulfilling lives is a passion of mine.

I've been a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) since 2005 and became a National Board Certified Counselor (NCC) in 2007. I'm also a Certified Grief Recovery Specialist and a Certified Clinical Trauma Professional (CCTP). I've been providing individual counseling services for children, adolescents, and adults as well as family therapy since 2005.  

Additionally, I’m a Certified Master Life CoachLife Purpose Coach, and Spiritual Coach. I offer a variety of intuitive services including  Intuitive Sessions, Spiritual Mentoring, and Intuitive Life Coaching to empower people to recognize their strengths, navigate life challenges including loss, and achieve their life goals for personal and spiritual transformation. My unique combination of extensive expertise, training, and 18+ years experience as a Licensed Professional Counselor allows me to help individuals, just like you, reach their goals creating lasting, desirable change.

I earned my Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology from Texas A&M (WHOOP!) and my Master’s Degree in Counseling from the University of Arkansas. My professional memberships include the American Counseling Association (ACA), the Texas Counseling Association (TCA) and the Association for Spiritual, Ethical, and Religious Values in Counseling (ASERVIC).

I established and opened my counseling private practice, Friendswood Counseling Center, LLC as the sole provider in 2012 to begin fulfilling my mission to offer support to individuals and families with a variety of mental health, behavioral, emotional, and spiritual needs.

I transitioned to a group/multi-provider practice in 2016 to meet the ongoing requests for services and to better serve the community by bringing on additional therapists and administrative staff passionate about making an impact in the lives of many more individuals and families. Since 2012, I have served as the Founder & CEO of Friendswood Counseling Center as well as a Clinical Therapist

Discovering I was highly intuitive further ignited my quest to explore and develop my intuitive abilities, pursue a spiritual path, and help others to do the same. This led to the strong desire to begin offering support and guidance for individuals wanting to better understand their spiritual experiences, including a spiritual awakening or crisis, and develop or trust their intuitive abilities. I wanted to share the knowledge, tools, skills, and strategies that I have learned through both professional training as well as my personal experience.

This passion to guide and support individuals for personal and spiritual transformation is the motivation behind creating my second business, Kristi Ottis, LLC. Some of my extensive training has included working with these wonderful mentors: Colette Baron-Reid, Lisa Williams, Dr. Judith Orloff and completing many courses through Arthur Findlay College

My ultimate purpose in offering intuitive services is to fully use my God-given intuitive gifts and abilities for supporting people with personal and spiritual transformation, growth, and healing. I would be honored to work with you to achieve your goals as well as guide and support you along your life's journey. 

My teaching memoir, Speaking My Truth: No Longer Silent recounts my journey of healing from many traumas as I  was guided down an unexpected path of self-discovery and spiritual awakening. All of my experiences taught me to reclaim my voice, reconnect with myself and my intuition, and to transform all of the pain into a higher purpose of helping others. That led to greater happiness and overall health and wellbeing. In Speaking My Truth: No Longer Silent, I offer this same gift of healing and personal transformation to anyone struggling to recover from trauma by joining me on this journey.

Over the past 18 years, I’ve felt privileged and honored as my clients have vulnerably shared with me their personal stories of pain, heartbreak, and strength, inviting me into a part of their life’s story. I believe one of my life’s purposes has been to aid in the healing, empowerment, and transformation of as many people as possible. To further work toward that goal, I am in the early stages of writing my first book: Speaking My Truth: No Longer Silent. All of my clients, past and present, are a huge inspiration for me to also share my story, to speak my truth.

My greatest hope in writing this book is for people to know that healing from trauma and grief as well as the ability to thrive in all areas of their lives after it is truly possible! My book offers the specific steps, exercises, and tools to make that a reality for them too!

I absolutely love being out in nature. Think wide open spaces, sunshine, blue skies, cool breezes, parks, forests, pools, or white sandy beaches, and clear blue water.


I'm definitely an ambivert, aka an "outgoing introvert." I love to primarily recharge with quiet, alone time. This often includes reading, learning something new, time spent outside or with loved ones.


Singing and listening to music go hand in hand for me. I sing all the time even though I’m very off pitch the majority of the time! Maybe that's why I also whistle quite a bit to music too.


I am an animal-lover at heart, especially dogs. Our Oliver and Teddy are pretty cute! Sharks though….not so much! Have you seen the movie Jaws?



I consider myself pretty funny and use humor to easily make people laugh. I believe laughter is medicine for the soul.



​I’ve run approximately 15 half-marathons (13.1 miles) and one full marathon (26.2 miles). I initially did NOT like running... at all... much less long distances, but running with good friends made it much more enjoyable!


I’ve experienced trauma and many losses in my life. I learned that the hardest times of my life led to healing, growth, transformation, and all served a purpose along my path to becoming me.

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