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Messages and Signs from Heaven: Recognize After Death Communication (ACD)

Messages and Signs from Heaven: Recognize After Death Communication (ADC)

intuition mediumship spiritual development spirituality Sep 29, 2024

Grief is a Journey

The loss of a loved one can be one of life’s most difficult experiences. Grief is a multifaceted journey. It is complex and coping with it often involves navigating a wide range of emotions such as shock, sadness, anger, longing, confusion, and despair. Yet amid this profound sorrow, many people find comfort in the belief that their loved ones are still with them in spirit. These cherished souls may send messages and signs from Heaven to provide reassurance of their continued presence, love, and support

I can personally attest to this comforting reality, having experienced it many times firsthand. Understanding the ability to receive messages and signs wasn’t something I thought about much or knew could be a real possibility until it actually happened to me. My journey into receiving messages or after death communications (ADCs) began unexpectedly during meditation, 23 years after my father passed away. I never imagined he could reach out to me in that way or that I could truly connect with him, but to my astonishment, messages and signs began to flow in providing additional validation it was all very real—sometimes spontaneously and other times in response to my requests.

As my awareness grew, I found myself receiving messages and signs not only from my dad, but also from other family members and spirits I had never known in life. In an upcoming blog, I’ll delve deeper into these remarkable ADC encounters to provide many specific personal examples, mine and others. For now, I want to highlight how these messages brought me immense comfort, validation, and healing. I believe they can be helpful for you too!

Recognizing and understanding the signs, meant for you, can instill a profound sense of peace, reminding you that while your loved ones’ physical forms may no longer be present, their souls are eternal and forever connected to you. They truly never leave you. My blog The Magic of Synchronicity depicts my personal stories of receiving signs and includes actual pictures of the ones I received from my dad on Father’s Day of 2024. 

The Eternal Nature of the Soul

The concept that our souls are eternal is a central belief in many spiritual traditions. It suggests that while our physical bodies may perish, our essence—our soul—lives on, continuing its journey beyond this earthly realm. The nature of the soul is one of infinite connection and love

Our loved ones’ spirits are not confined by the limitations of the physical world; instead, they transcend space and time, existing in a state of pure consciousness. Because of this, they can still communicate with us, sharing in our joys and comforting us in our sorrows. Their energy remains close, and they often reach out to us in various ways to let us know that they are safe and at peace. Receiving and grasping these signs can be incredibly healing, as it affirms that our bond with them is unbreakable and that their love continues to surround us from the other side.

After Death Communication (ADC) 

After Death Communication (ADC), refers to the various spontaneous and direct ways that people experience contact from deceased loved ones without the aid of a medium or other intermediary. These communications can happen through dreams, sensations, visions, or even smells, and they typically occur when least expected. Many people report ADCs as intensely comforting and validating experiences, often helping them feel that their loved one’s spirit is still very much alive and present. Since ADCs often occur without any conscious effort or expectation, they serve as reminders that our loved ones’ spirits continue to watch over us, often reaching out during times of need or simply offering encouragement or reassurance.

While ADCs can be comforting, they may also lead to confusion or uncertainty, especially for individuals experiencing them for the first time or who aren’t sure how to interpret these experiences. Some people may question if these signs are simply coincidences, products of their imagination, or wishful thinking. Others may struggle with reconciling ADCs with their religious or spiritual beliefs, particularly if those beliefs discourage direct communication with the deceased. This describes how I was impacted upon first receiving ADCs, but finding resources, a spiritual teacher, and having a supportive group of friends and family was invaluable for me. This blog: Understanding Spiritual Awakening and Experiences is another great resource on ADCs. 

While it’s natural to question these experiences, it’s important to remember that you do not have to forgo or abandon your religious and/or spiritual beliefs to honor your own personal encounters. Embracing the signs you receive can be a way of deepening your spiritual understanding and connection, while still respecting and integrating your existing beliefs.

It’s important to approach ADCs with an open mind and heart, trusting your own feelings and experiences to guide you. If the experience brings comfort, clarity, or a sense of peace, it is likely a true sign from your loved one. Seeking out guidance and support from a spiritual teacher can also be a beneficial resource to guide you. You can gain clarity, reduce stress, increase inner peace, and receive validation of your spiritual experiences. Learn about Spiritual Mentoring with Kristi.

After Death Communications (ADCs) versus Mental Health Conditions

For those concerned about differentiating ADCs from mental health conditions, such as psychosis or auditory and visual hallucinations, there are some key distinctions to consider. Genuine ADCs are typically brief, positive, and comforting. The communications may be longer if you have heightened intuitive abilities or if you are a professional psychic medium. ADCs are experienced as sudden, but gentle occurrences that do not cause distress, fear, or disruption to daily life. In contrast, hallucinations related to mental health issues are often intrusive, persistent, and can be accompanied by confusion or a sense of fear. 

If there is ever uncertainty, it is helpful to speak with a mental health professional who can provide guidance and support in understanding these experiences. It can be most helpful to search for a mental health professional who utilizes a transpersonal psychology approach, has a focus on spirituality/spiritual practices, and has a good knowledge base and understanding of ADCs

Common Signs from Loved Ones in Spirit

When our loved ones pass, they often send signs to assure us that they are okay and still present in our lives. These signs can vary greatly, but they often have a special meaning or connection that resonates personally. Some of the most common signs include:

  1. Dreams: One of the most common ways loved ones communicate is through dreams. These dreams are often referred to as “visitation dreams” because they involve the spirit of your loved one visiting you in the dream state. These dreams are often vivid and memorable, leaving you with a sense of peace and clarity. Visitation dreams feel incredibly real and are often accompanied by messages of love, apology, or guidance. Unlike regular dreams, they are typically very clear, emotionally powerful, and easy to recall upon waking. In these dreams, sometimes their message is how they appear such as seeing them healthy, happy, or through a smile letting you know they are not angry, love you, and are still with you. Messages can be direct or symbolic, offering reassurance that they are still with us and watching over us.  
  2. Feathers: Finding feathers in unusual places is often seen as a sign that a loved one is near. The feather is a symbol of the spiritual realm and finding one can be a comforting reminder of your loved one’s presence. They may appear when you are thinking of them or need comfort. 
  3. Butterflies and Birds: Nature is a powerful medium for spiritual messages. Seeing butterflies, birds, dragonflies, ladybugs, or animals that your loved one had a connection with, can be a sign. Spotting a butterfly or a bird that behaves unusually, such as coming close to you or appearing repeatedly, is often seen as a sign of hello or offering comfort and reassurance.
  4. Songs: Hearing a specific song on the radio that reminds you of a loved one, especially at a poignant moment, can be a message from heaven. Pay attention to lyrics or melodies that seem to speak directly to you. These songs often carry a special meaning and can evoke strong emotions.
  5. Coins: Discovering coins, particularly pennies or dimes, in random places can be a sign from a loved one. These coins often appear in unexpected spots and can serve as a gentle reminder that you are being watched over.
  6. Electrical Phenomena: Flickering lights, televisions turning on and off, phone calls from their old number or an unknown number as well as other unexplained electrical occurrences can be a way for loved ones to get your attention. Spirits are often able to manipulate energy, making electronics an easy way for them to send a sign of their presence.
  7. Sense Their Presence: Sometimes, you may simply experience their presence through your senses. You might feel chills or goosebumps, a sudden warmth, a change in the atmosphere, or a touch on your shoulder, all of which can indicate that your loved one is near. You may see flashes of light, shadows, or shapes in your peripheral vision that remind you of them or notice familiar visual cues like certain colors or symbols that were meaningful to them. You might also hear their voice softly calling your name, or notice other auditory signs such as the sound of footsteps and gentle whispers or messages. Some people experience a knowing or inner awareness—a sudden, intuitive knowing that their loved one is around, almost like a telepathic connection, message, or conversation. Lastly, you might smell a distinct fragrance linked to them, such as their favorite perfume or cologne, the scent of flowers they loved, or even something unique like the aroma of their favorite dish.

How to Ask for Signs 

If you’re open to receiving signs but haven’t noticed any, you can ask your loved ones to send you a specific sign. Asking for signs from loved ones is a personal and heartfelt process. This can be as simple as setting an intention to receive a signs and speaking it out loud, or silenting asking for it in your mind.  Here are a few more tips to help you connect:

  1. Be Open: Start by opening your heart and mind to the possibility of receiving signs in unexpected ways. Let go of any skepticism and allow yourself to be receptive. 
  2. Set an Intention: Clearly state your intention to communicate with your loved one. You can do this through meditation, prayer, or simply stating your intention verbally or in your mind. 
  3. Ask for Specific Signs: You can ask for a specific sign such as a feather, a number, or a song in your request. Don’t hesitate to ask for it. This can make it easier to recognize when the sign appears. Or you can ask them to surprise you with a sign, one that you will easily recognize and know that it is from them. 
  4. Be Patient: Signs can come in unexpected ways and at unexpected times. Trust that your loved one will find a way to reach you. The sign may arrive pretty immediately. Other times it might be a few hours or days later. Be patient and trust that it will arrive at the perfect time. 

The Benefits of Receiving Signs

Receiving signs from loved ones can be immensely comforting, offering reassurance and validation that they are still with us. These signs can:

  1. Ease Grief: Signs remind us that our loved ones are safe and happy, helping to ease the pain of loss and bring peace to the grieving process.
  2. Provide Guidance: Messages can offer guidance or advice, helping us navigate difficult situations and make decisions with their loving support.
  3. Reaffirm Our Beliefs: For those who believe in the eternal nature of the soul, these signs affirm that life continues beyond death, reinforcing faith in the afterlife and spiritual realms.

Coping with Grief Through Connection

Grief can be overwhelming, but knowing that our loved ones are still present in spirit can offer comfort and support. By being open to asking and receiving messages from heaven, we can maintain a sense of connection, keeping our loved ones close in our hearts as we continue our own journey.

Essentially, signs from our loved ones are beautiful reminders that love never dies. Their messages, no matter how small, are ways of saying, “I am still here, I am with you, and I love you.” So, take comfort in knowing that they are only a thought away, and keep your heart open to the signs they send to let you know that they’re still watching over you

Let me know what meaningful signs you’ve received. Share them below!


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