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Life’s Delays - Passions, Dreams, Goals, and Desires

life purpose personal transformation May 24, 2024

An Update on My Book Journey 

The road to writing a book and getting it published is a journey of its own...just like life. There are winding roads, rewards, speed bumps, and epiphanies. Additionally, there are often delays, growth points, roadblocks or detours, and sweet surprises… while everything unfolds. 


To catch you up to speed, I submitted the first version of my book proposal for Speaking My Truth: No Longer Silent to my dream publisher for their December 2022 book publishing contest. In February of 2023, I was not selected as one of the winners who received a publishing contract. 


After that loss, I needed time to lick my figurative wounds of disappointment. I'd had literal visions of winning the contest. And I'm very intuitive for those who don’t already know yet! Wink! So I was confused as to why that did not come to fruition. I knew it was a long shot with the number of entries, but I also had a healthy amount of confidence in my creation. 


Flash forward to March 2023. I received great advice from a literary agency owner/former editor for reworking my book. I felt inspired and ready to try again. That rejection, allowing myself to feel the emotions of it, and the three-month downtime was exactly what I needed.  I then developed a new direction for my book, including a new title and subtitle (to be revealed soon, so stay tuned!), and began modifying it. Trusting in Divine timing can be a challenge at times, ha!


The current version of my book needed that rejection and time to become what it is today. 😁 I’ve submitted the new version to the same publisher’s April 2024 book contest.  Winners receive phone calls on June 17th and those receiving Honorable Mention are notified on June 18th. 


I’d greatly appreciate any prayers, well wishes, and positive vibes for a winning outcome. Regardless of the contest’s outcome, I feel proud about my book’s transformation as well as my own during the writing of it. I know I will find the perfect publisher to partner with in getting my first book out into the world.

My New Creation: WOWs - Words of Wisdom 

After the March submission (the contest opened a month before the April deadline) and the waiting period began, I tapped into other avenues of creativity. I started channeling messages including the name for them… WOWs - Words of Wisdom. I’ve begun sharing them on my Facebook and Instagram accounts.  The WOW I’m sharing with you today is about Passions, Dreams, Goals, and Desires. Hopefully, it will speak to you and remind you to continue chasing your passions, dreams, goals, and desires even if you are facing life’s delays right now or in the future. 

A Sneak Peak from my Book about Self-Discovery as well as Personal and Spiritual Transformation

My teaching memoir is a groundbreaking book sharing my transformational journey coupled with a 12 step roadmap to healing; offering practical, spiritual, and holistic tools, exercises, and strategies that other sexual assault and rape survivors can implement to reclaim their lives. Here is a first sneak peek from it: 

The 4 Truth Bombs About Our Thoughts

  1. An activating event or any situation is always neutral.
  2. Our thoughts (positive, negative, neutral) are what assign meaning and emotion, if any, to an activating event, situation, or person. It’s all about how we choose to perceive it/them.
  3. Our thoughts directly cause the feeling(s) we experience, not the situation, event, or person. Then our feelings can influence our behaviors or the choices we make.
  4. If you are experiencing an uncomfortable emotion(s), by changing or reframing your thoughts you can change your feelings to ones that are more desirable. This also often leads to you choosing more desirable behaviors too.

The importance of grasping these four key lessons is to provide you with hope, 
encouragement, and empowerment. You need to know you play an active role in choosing your thoughts and how you feel about events, people, and situations in your life. You aren’t just at the mercy of them. Once you understand these four key lessons, the beauty is in knowing you can choose to change or reframe your unhelpful (negative) thoughts to neutral/positive ones to transform how you want to feel instead, at any time.

I hope this was helpful! I will absolutely keep you posted on the upcoming contest results. The countdown until June 17th is on! 

What passions, dreams, goals, and desires are you chasing?? Let me know so I can cheer you on!!


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