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Spiritual awakening and spiritual crisis

Understanding Spiritual Awakening: Emergence, Transformative Experiences, and Spiritual Crisis

life purpose near-death experience spiritual awakening spiritual crisis Jun 09, 2024

A Collective Shift: Purpose, Fulfillment, and Spirituality

Although the start of the Coronavirus pandemic was more than four years ago, it led to a significant collective shift that continues to shape our lives. It was a major factor in people beginning to explore their level of satisfaction and fulfillment in many areas of their lives.

Many began thinking about and/or reevaluating their priorities around their health, faith, family, time, relationships, and careers. I certainly did. How about you? More and more people continue to explore the meaning of life including what meaning or purpose their life currently serves and what type of legacy they want to leave behind. Maybe you are considering these topics too!

The pandemic, combined with individual spiritual experiences, has made spirituality a more common pursuit. This includes information being sought out about spiritual awakening and spiritual crisis. The quest for knowledge about spirituality is no longer just a midlife curiosity.

While I'm very grateful for the support of the wonderful friends, mentors, and family I've had along my spiritual journey, unfortunately, it did not start that way.  It began with curiosity and excitement, but also extreme loneliness and confusion.

 I was in search of answers to so many questions. I wanted to find the reasons that explained what I was experiencing, including my heightened intuitive abilities. But  I struggled to find the right information, guidance, and people to support me. I didn't understand spiritual awakenings, crises, or spiritually transformative experiences (STE)s at the time. Nor did I know I had experienced all three! 

Spiritual Emergence is a Natural Process

Spiritual emergence refers to the process of spiritual growth, development, and personal transformation where an individual experiences a profound shift in consciousness and a heightened awareness of their inner spiritual reality. Spiritual emergence is often a natural and gradual unfolding of a person's spiritual potential and awareness. 

This emergence often brings increased sensitivity, intuitive insights, and a deeper connection to one's purpose and the universe. Individuals often feel a zest to spend time exploring spirituality or spiritually-related topics. It can be both enlightening and challenging, as it may involve intense emotions and the need to integrate new perspectives or insights into daily life. Understanding what a spiritual awakening entails, recognizing spiritually transformative experiences (STEs), and coping with spiritual crises are crucial for navigating a spiritual journey.

What is a Spiritual Awakening?

In the realm of spirituality, the concept of a spiritual awakening is multifaceted. It encompasses a broad range of experiences, from subtle shifts in consciousness to dramatic, life-altering events. This awakening can occur gradually over time or as a sudden, unexpected epiphany.

A spiritual awakening is often described as a greater realization or insight into the nature of life and one’s own existence. It commonly involves a deep sense of connection with something greater than oneself, such as God, the universe, a higher power, or the divine. Significant shifts in one's perception of reality, values, and purpose often occur. 

Individuals experiencing a spiritual awakening may feel an increased sense of inner peace, clarity, and purpose. Additionally, they may feel excitement about their positive experiences and want to share about them. Support and guidance may also be required to navigate disorienting experiences such as psychological and physical symptoms that may be present in the transformation process. 

Example: Consider the experience of Eckhart Tolle, a renowned spiritual teacher. He describes his awakening as a sudden transformation following a period of intense depression and anxiety. One night, he experienced a profound inner shift, leading to a deep sense of peace and a realization of a dimension beyond the mind.

Understanding Spiritually Transformative Experiences (STE)

An STE is typically a specific event or a series of events that significantly change an individual's worldview, sense of self, and spiritual perspective. These experiences often include a heightened sense of peace, connection, love, awe, compassion, and understanding of the universe and one's place within it. 

Spiritually transformative experiences (STEs) are profound, deeply personal, and often spontaneous occurrences that cause people to perceive themselves and the world in vastly different ways.  STEs shake up our understanding of existence and can lead to spiritual growth, insight, and sometimes even spiritual emergency (SEY) or crisis. 

Six Types of Spiritual Transformative Experience (STE): 

  1. Mystical Experiences - These are profound experiences where individuals feel a deep sense of unity with the divine or the universe, often accompanied by feelings of peace, joy, and a loss of the sense of self due to transcending ordinary reality. 
  2. Near-Death Experiences (NDEs) - These occur when individuals have a close brush with death and report extraordinary experiences. Some include intense feelings of peacefulness and love, moving through a tunnel towards or seeing a bright light, meeting deceased loved ones, or having a life review.
  3. Out-of-Body Experiences (OBEs) - These involve the sensation of separating from one's physical body and observing oneself from an external perspective, often occurring spontaneously or during meditation, sleep, or trauma. OBEs can also occur as part of a near-death experience.
  4. Psychic/Intuitive Experiences -These are experiences where individuals perceive information beyond the usual sensory capabilities, such as telepathy, clairvoyance, or precognition.
  5. Kundalini/Spiritual Energy Awakenings - These involve the awakening of a latent spiritual energy believed to reside at the base of the spine, resulting in profound physical, emotional, and spiritual changes, often described as a rising of energy through the body in energy centers known as chakras.
  6. After-Death Communications (ADCs) - These occur when individuals receive communication from the spirit of a deceased person, typically through visions, dreams, auditory messages, signs, or a strong sense of presence. The messages often provide comfort, love, and healing. 

Have you had one or more STE(s)? Let me know which types in the comments section below! I’ve had four out of the six types: 1, 2, 4, and 6. Although I have not had a near-death experience due to a medical issue or severe accident, I personally know several people who have had that type of STE. 

Example: Near-death experiences (NDEs) are a common type of STE. People who have undergone NDEs often report a sense of leaving their bodies, encountering a bright light, and experiencing an overwhelming feeling of peace as well as unconditional love and acceptance. These experiences frequently lead to lasting changes in their beliefs about life, death, and the nature of reality. 

What is a Spiritual Crisis or Emergency?

While spiritual emergence, awakenings, and STEs can be profoundly positive, they can also lead to what is known as a spiritual crisis or emergency. This occurs when the spiritual experiences become overwhelming and difficult to integrate into one's daily life, leading to emotional, psychological, and sometimes physical distress.

Example: Someone might experience a sudden Kundalini awakening, characterized by intense energy surges through the body, vivid dreams, and altered states of consciousness. While these experiences can be enlightening, they can also be disorienting and frightening, especially if the person is unprepared or lacks support.

Coping with Spiritual Crisis or Emergency

Experiencing a spiritual crisis can be challenging, but there are several ways to navigate this turbulent period:

  1. Seek Support: Reach out to a spiritual mentor, counselor/therapist, or a coach experienced in spiritual emergencies. Talking to someone who understands can provide reassurance and guidance. Seek out supportive family members and friends too. 
  2. Grounding Techniques: Practices such as mindfulness, meditation, yoga, and spending time in nature can help ground and stabilize your energy.
  3. Self-Care: Ensure you are taking care of your physical body through proper nutrition, hydration, and rest. Physical well-being is closely linked to emotional and spiritual health.
  4. Educate Yourself: Learning more about spiritual awakenings and crises can demystify your experiences and help you understand that you are not alone.
  5. Journaling: Writing down your experiences, feelings, and insights can be a therapeutic way to process what you are going through and track your progress over time.
  6. Community Support: Joining a spiritual community or support group can provide a sense of belonging and understanding. Sharing your journey with others who are on a similar path can be incredibly comforting and insightful.

In Summary: A Spiritual Awakening is a Journey

A spiritual awakening is a profound journey that can transform one's life in extraordinary ways. While it can lead to enriching and enlightening experiences, it can also precipitate periods of intense spiritual crisis. Recognizing the signs of a spiritual emergency and knowing how to cope is essential for maintaining balance and continuing your spiritual growth. Remember, seeking support and practicing self-care are key steps in navigating this complex and beautiful journey.

If you are experiencing a spiritual awakening or crisis and need support, I offer a variety of options to meet your spiritual needs, including Spiritual Development and Mentoring. Together, we will create a roadmap tailored specifically to your spiritual development goals and journey. 

Learn more about the ways we can work together!  Please sign up, share, and like my blogs if you are enjoying them! I’ll keep the spiritual and transformational support coming your way.

WOW -  Words of Wisdom

I've really enjoyed the creative process of allowing channeled messages to flow through me. It is one of my newest intuitive gifts that I've embraced and enjoy sharing with you. 

My most recent WOW - Words oWisdom is about Trust.  You can see more of them on my Facebook and Instagram accounts.


Please sign up, share, and like my blogs if you are enjoying them! Then, I’ll keep the spiritual and transformational support coming your way!


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