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Tap Into Divine Guidance with Oracle Cards

Tap Into Divine Guidance with Oracle Cards

intuition oracle cards personal transformation spiritual development spirituality Aug 04, 2024

Did you know that I absolutely love oracle cards?  If not, now you do!  Keep reading to discover more surprising facts about me and oracle cards.

When I began my spiritual journey, I was drawn to affirmation and empowerment card decks, which I still use often. However, during a challenging time of grief, isolation, confusion, and uncertainty, I needed more in-depth guidance and clarity. Without knowing much about oracle cards or how to choose one, I ordered my first deck online.

Fate intervened when I was drawn to a deck by Colette Baron-Reid. This one choice significantly and literally changed the course of my life. At the time, I didn’t know who Colette was or that she and her deck, Wisdom of the Oracle (WOTO), would become so meaningful to me. In my book (which is a work in progress), I share this story in more detail. But for now, in case you don’t know, Colette is an internationally acclaimed Oracle card expert with 19 best-selling decks, with over two million sold worldwide, and seven books. She is also a spiritual intuitive and a personal transformation thought leader. Essentially, she's just overall amazing!

That one oracle card deck purchase ignited my curiosity and supported me through an extremely difficult time, leading me to deeply explore the world of oracle cards. I became a Certified Oracle Guide through Colette’s Oracle School and had the honor of recently having her as my mentor in her 7-month DreamQuest mastermind group that just wrapped up in May

Now, oracle cards are a regular part of my self-care and spiritual practice. And I will be creating my own oracle and affirmation decks in the future! I am currently working on one now!

This blog post will explore what oracle cards are, myths and truths, tips for choosing a deck, how to use them daily, example questions to ask, and a list of my favorite oracle and affirmation decks. They might just change your life!

What Are Oracle Cards?

Oracle cards have become a popular tool for spiritual guidance, self-reflection, and personal growth. They offer a flexible and intuitive approach. Oracle cards are a type of divination tool used to gain insight, clarity, and guidance. Divination tools are methods or instruments used to communicate with the divine or access spiritual information. Oracle cards come in various themes and styles, each deck offering unique symbolism and messages. 

Each card in an oracle deck represents a specific concept, idea, or spiritual message. These messages are often accompanied by beautiful artwork that helps users connect with their intuition, their higher self or soul, and the energies surrounding them. Oracle cards can be used for various purposes, including daily guidance, insight, personal transformation, and connecting with higher spiritual realms.

Dispelling Myths About Oracle Cards

Oracle cards are often surrounded by myths and misconceptions. Some individuals may have concerns about using oracle cards due to religious beliefs, particularly those rooted in Christianity. It's important to approach these concerns with respect and understanding. Here are a few common myths and the truths about oracle cards.

  1. Myth: Using oracle cards is against religious teachings. 
    • Truth: Spiritual Guidance. While some individuals may believe that oracle cards conflict with their religious beliefs, many people find that using oracle cards complements their spirituality. Oracle cards provide a way to connect with their higher self, angels, spirit guides, or the divine. This can be aligned with one's spiritual beliefs, as the messages are often positive and encouraging. The key is to use them in a way that aligns with your personal values and beliefs.
  2. Myth: Oracle cards are inherently negative or evil. 
    • Truth: Intent and Use. Oracle cards are neutral tools. The intent behind using oracle cards matters. If used with a sincere desire for guidance and self-improvement, they can complement one's spiritual journey. It’s important to approach them with an open mind and a heart centered on seeking wisdom and clarity. Many users find them to be a positive and uplifting resource for personal growth.
  3. Myth: Oracle cards predict the future. 
    • Truth: Tools for Reflection. Oracle cards do not predict the future with certainty. Instead, they offer insights, guidance, and perspectives that can help you make informed decisions and navigate your life's path. They are beneficial tools that help individuals tap into their intuition and gain clarity about their thoughts and feelings.
  4. Myth: Only psychics or mediums can use oracle cards. 
    • Truth: Personal Experience. Anyone can use oracle cards. Many people, including those from various religious backgrounds, have found oracle cards to be a helpful tool for gaining clarity and insight. Oracle cards are designed to help people connect with their intuition, regardless of their level of psychic ability. With practice and an open mind, you can learn to interpret the messages the cards provide.  Personal experience and intuition can guide how one incorporates oracle cards into their life or spiritual practice.

How to Choose Your Oracle Deck

Choosing your first oracle deck can be an exciting yet overwhelming experience. With so many decks available, it's important to select one that personally resonates with you. Here are some tips to help you choose the right deck whether you are choosing it in person or online:

  1. Theme: Consider what themes or messages you are drawn to. Whether it's angels, nature, mythology, or affirmations, choose a deck that aligns with your interests and spiritual path.
  2. Artwork: The visual appeal of the cards is crucial. Look for a deck with artwork that speaks to you and evokes a sense of connection and inspiration.
  3. Guidebook: Most oracle decks come with a guidebook that explains the meanings of each card. Ensure the guidebook is well-written and provides clear and insightful interpretations.
  4. Intuition and Energy: Trust your intuition when selecting a deck. If you feel a strong pull towards a particular deck or its energy resonates with you, whether you see it in person or online, it’s likely the right one for you.

How to Use Oracle Cards

Using oracle cards is a personal and intuitive process. This can be a meaningful way to gain daily insight and guidance in your life. Here are some steps to help you get started: 

  1. Ground and Center Yourself: Before you begin, ensure you are grounded and centered. Being in a neutral emotional state helps you receive the most accurate and beneficial guidance. If you are anxious or stressed, the cards might reflect your current emotional state rather than providing clear insights. Deep breathing, meditation, or a brief walk in nature can help achieve this balance.
  2. Choose Your Deck: Select a deck that resonates with you if you have more than one. You might feel drawn to a particular deck's energy. Trust your intuition to guide you to the deck that aligns with your needs and interests for that day. 
  3. Shuffle and Set Your Intention:  As you shuffle the cards, focus on your question or intention. This could be seeking general guidance on a specific issue, gaining clarity, or connecting with your higher self. Doing that while shuffling helps to align the energy of the cards with your inquiry and invites the universe to provide relevant guidance.
  4. Draw Card(s): Depending on your question, draw one or more cards from the deck. You can select the card on the top of the deck, from within the middle, or spread them all out and select one. 
    • Jumper Cards: Sometimes, as you shuffle the deck, one or more cards may "jump" out. These are known as "jumper" cards and can be particularly significant. Jumper cards are thought to carry strong messages or additional insights related to your question. They may highlight a key aspect of your situation or emphasize an important point.
  5. Interpret the Card: Pay attention to your initial impressions and feelings about the cards that appear. Observe the imagery and written messages on the card. Pay attention to any thoughts, feelings, or insights that arise. Use the guidebook to read the card’s meaning, but also trust your intuition. Consider how the card’s message applies to your current situation or question.
  6. Reflect, Record, and Act: Take time to reflect on the card’s message and how it resonates with you. Keeping a journal of the cards pulled. Documenting your interpretations and the guidance you receive can help you track patterns and gain deeper understanding over time. Use the insights gained to guide your actions and decisions.

By following these steps, you can effectively use oracle cards as a tool for spiritual growth, self-reflection, and guidance. Whether you are new to oracle cards or a seasoned practitioner, these practices can enhance your connection with the cards and the insights they offer.

Incorporating Oracle Cards into Your Daily Routine

Incorporating oracle cards into your daily routine can enhance your spiritual practice and personal growth. Here are some ideas:

  1. Daily Draw: Draw a card each morning to set the tone for your day. Reflect on its message and how you can incorporate its guidance into your daily activities.
  2. Meditation: Use oracle cards as a focal point during meditation. Draw a card and meditate on its imagery and message, allowing it to guide your thoughts and intentions.
  3. Journaling: Keep a journal of your oracle card readings. Write down the cards you draw, their meanings, and your reflections. Over time, you’ll notice patterns and gain deeper insights into your spiritual journey.

Example Questions to Ask Your Oracle Cards

Asking the right questions can help you gain more precise and insightful guidance from your oracle cards. It is important to ask open-ended questions vs yes or no questions. Here are some example questions to consider:

  1. General Guidance:
    • "What do I need to know today for my highest good?"
    • "What energy surrounds me at this moment?"
    • “What is coming up for me that is important to know now?”
  2. Self-Reflection:
    • "What aspect of myself needs more attention?"
    • "What can I do to improve my well-being?"
    • “What parts of myself need healing?
  3. Relationships:
    • "What do I need to understand about my current relationship?"
    • "How can I enhance my connections with others?"
    • What do I need to know or heal to experience fulfilling relationships?
  4. Career and Goals:
    • "What steps can I take to achieve my goals?"
    • "What should I focus on in my career right now?"
    • “What is my life purpose or what does my future career path entail?”
  5. Challenges and Obstacles:
    • "What is the underlying cause of my current challenge?"
    • "How can I overcome this obstacle?"
    • What is the lesson in this current challenge? How can I better navigate it?
  6. Spiritual Growth:
    • "What can I do to deepen my spiritual practice?"
    • "What message does the Universe/God/my angels/my higher self have for me?"
    • “What does my soul want me to know or focus on today?”

My Favorite Oracle Decks and Authors

Exploring oracle cards can be a deeply personal and transformative experience, and the right deck can make all the difference. Here are some of my favorite oracle deck creators, each with a brief introduction to their work and a few of my cherished decks.

Colette Baron-Reid

Colette’s oracle decks provide deep insights and wisdom, often focusing on themes like intuition, spirituality, and personal growth. I love all of Colette’s decks, but these are some I use most often. 

  1. "Wisdom of the Oracle (WOTO)": This "teaching" deck, used in her Oracle School, expertly blends elements of traditional tarot with other ancient divination tools. It is a sacred communication system that offers messages of clarity and guidance in all areas of your life through accessing higher spiritual wisdom for greater peace, purpose, prosperity, and love. 
  2. "The Oracle of the 7 Energies": This deck explores the seven energies of life, providing deep insights and guidance to align with these powerful forces. It's based on the mind-body-spirit model of energy, consciousness, and co-creation. I love the artwork in this deck. It is so beautiful and mesmerizing. 
  3. "The Shaman's Dream Oracle": Created in collaboration with Alberto Villoldo, this deck offers shamanic wisdom and dream guidance for spiritual awakening and transformation. Learn how dreamscapes guide you to co-create your world and manifest your most precious intentions.
  4. "The Spirit Animal Oracle": This deck connects users with the animal kingdom, offering guidance and inspiration from various spirit animals to navigate life well, move beyond life's obstacles or perceived limitations, and tune in to your infinite potential.
  5. "Wisdom of the Hidden Realms": This recently released deck is the first to feature Colette’s beautiful artwork. It provides insights from the mystical realms, helping users connect with their higher power, higher self, spiritual guides, and destiny. Compassionate guidance and divine support are central in this deck. 
  6. "The Dream Weaver's Oracle": This deck draws inspiration from dream symbolism and the subconscious mind, helping users tap into their inner wisdom, step into their role as a powerful co-creator, and navigate their waking lives with clarity and purpose through self-discovery.

Sandra Anne Taylor

Sandra Anne Taylor is an acclaimed author and speaker on the topics of consciousness creation and energy dynamics. Her oracle decks focus on harnessing energy and manifesting one's desires.

  1. "Priestess of Light Oracle": Created in collaboration with Kimberly Webber, this deck empowers users with feminine wisdom and divine light. Its channeled artwork and guidance utilizes spirit animals, divine feminine archetypes, and sacred geometry to help create inner and external changes.
  2. "Energy & Spirit Oracle": This deck focuses on the interaction between energetic, personal, and spiritual dynamics, offering guidance for aligning with both personal and universal energies to help users create their destiny.
  3. "Past-Life Energy Oracle Cards": This deck helps users explore past life influences on their current life, providing insights into karmic patterns and soul lessons. It helps users unlock the secrets of their past lives and determine how to live their current life to the fullest.
  4.  "The Energy Oracle Cards": This deck provides insights into the energy surrounding various aspects of life, helping users understand and shift their energetic patterns. Understand the unlimited power of your own consciousness, and any hidden blocks delaying your progress to empower and inspire you.

Kyle Gray

Kyle Gray is a modern spiritual teacher and angel expert known for his work with angelic realms and high-vibration spiritual practices. His decks often feature themes of angels, ascended masters, and divine light.

  1. "The Angel Guide Oracle": This deck, with stunning artwork, helps users connect with their angels to receive direct and compassionate guidance on their spiritual path. Spiritual seekers are reminded that loving, divine guidance is always available to everyone. Users receive divine inspiration, love, and positive action steps. 
  2. "The Divine Masters Oracle": This deck features messages from 44 ascended divine masters, offering ancient wisdom and guidance for spiritual growth, healing support, and enlightenment. Anyone can connect and work with these universal spiritual guides, no matter their background or experience.
  3. "Raise Your Vibration Oracle": This deck focuses on raising one's spiritual vibration and aligning with higher frequencies for personal and spiritual growth.  Tune in to the frequency of these beautiful cards to cultivate high-vibe practices and align your energy with living a heart-centered life.
  4. "Angel Prayers Oracle Cards": This powerful spiritual tool offers profound wisdom and healing support from the angelic realm, helping users connect with their guardian angels and receive their messages in real, positive ways.  

Louise Hay

Louise Hay was a motivational author and the founder of Hay House. She was a pioneer in the self-help movement and created numerous affirmation decks that continue to inspire and empower people around the world.

  1. "Power Thought Cards": This deck contains 64 affirmation cards designed to help users develop a positive mindset and overcome negative thought patterns.
  2. "How to Love Yourself Cards": These affirmation cards offer daily reminders and exercises to foster self-love and compassion.
  3. "Heart Thoughts Cards": This deck provides gentle and encouraging messages to support emotional healing and personal growth.

These creators and their decks offer a diverse range of themes and messages, ensuring that you can find the perfect oracle cards to support your spiritual journey. Whether you are seeking daily guidance, deeper insights, or connection with higher realms, these decks provide valuable tools for personal growth and enlightenment. These decks, with their beautiful illustrations and profound messages, have greatly enhanced my spiritual practice and provided me with invaluable insights and I know they will do the same for you too

Oracle Card Summary

Oracle cards are a powerful tool for self-discovery, spiritual guidance, and personal growth. Their flexibility and intuitive nature make them accessible to anyone, regardless of their experience level. By choosing a deck that resonates with you and incorporating it into your daily routine, you can unlock the mysteries of the universe and gain profound insights into your life.

Whether you’re a seasoned spiritual seeker or a curious beginner, oracle cards can provide a valuable and enriching addition to your spiritual practice. Embrace the journey, trust your intuition, and let the cards guide you toward a deeper understanding of yourself and the world around you.


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