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The Truth About Psychic Mediums, Mediumship, and the Soul

The Truth About Psychic Mediums, Mediumship, and the Soul

mediumship psychic spiritual development spirituality Oct 06, 2024

Psychic mediums and mediumship have fascinated people for centuries, often raising curiosity, skepticism, and a desire for understanding. While many people have sought mediums to connect with loved ones or receive guidance, misconceptions and unanswered questions can make it challenging to know what to expect. Whether you’re exploring this topic out of skepticism, genuine interest, personal experience, or spiritual calling, understanding what psychic mediumship truly entails can be transformative. 

By exploring common questions and debunking myths, we can gain a clearer understanding of what psychic mediums do, how they connect with the spirit world, and the valuable role they play in offering emotional healing, guidance, and support. By embracing this understanding, we can explore the profound belief in the eternal nature of the soul, which reinforces the connections we have with those who have passed on.

The Eternal Nature of the Soul

Our loved ones are only a thought away, and their presence can be felt when we open ourselves to the possibility of connecting with them. This belief in the eternal nature of the soul serves as the foundation for many spiritual and religious traditions. The essence of who we are—our spirit or soul—continues to exist even after physical death. While the body may perish, the soul remains, allowing for continued interaction, communication, and connection with those who have crossed over. 

Here are some key concepts that explain the eternal nature of the soul:

  • Soul Connection: Our bond with loved ones transcends physical death. The energy of love and spirit remains intact, enabling continued interaction in a way that may or may not be perceivable for some through the five senses but can be felt on a deeper, more intuitive level.
  • Eternal Life: The idea that life persists beyond physical existence provides comfort and reassurance that our loved ones continue to exist in a different realm. This belief can ease the pain of loss and offer hope for future reunions.
  • Spiritual Growth: Our soul continues to evolve even after death. The experiences and lessons learned in the physical world contribute to the soul’s journey, fostering growth and deeper understanding.

With this framework in mind, mediumship becomes a bridge between the physical and spiritual worlds, offering an avenue for us to communicate with our departed loved ones and experience the comfort of their continued presence. If you'd like to learn how to ask for and receive sign or messages from your loved ones, click here: Messages and Signs from Heaven.

Understanding Psychic Mediums: What is a Psychic Medium?

A psychic medium is someone who acts as an intermediary between the living and the spirit world. They possess heightened sensitivities and natural abilities that allow them to perceive, communicate with, and convey messages not only from those who have passed on but also from angels, spirit guides, and other spiritual beings. While the concept of mediumship has been around for centuries, it is often surrounded by questions, myths, and misunderstandings. 

Some people recognize their heightened intuitive abilities early in life, while for others, like me, it becomes apparent later. Once discovered, most can look back and see how these abilities were always present. This sensitivity can manifest in various forms of extrasensory perception (ESP). 

Psychic mediums connect with the spirit world using various intuitive and psychic abilities or extrasensory perception (ESP) known as the "clairs." Each psychic ability provides a unique way psychic mediums receive messages from spirits. The 7 clairs include: 

  • Clairvoyance: The ability to see spirits or visual impressions, such as images, symbols, or visions, that convey messages or information from the spirit world.
  • Clairaudience: The ability to hear words, sounds, or voices from spirits, often providing direct communication or guidance.
  • Clairsentience: The ability to feel or sense the emotions, presence, and energy of spirits, allowing mediums to empathically understand what a spirit is communicating.
  • Claircognizance: The ability to know information intuitively without prior knowledge or logical reasoning, often experienced as sudden insights or downloads from the spirit world.
  • Clarigustance: The ability to taste a substance without physically eating it, which may provide insight into a spirit’s life, habits, or preferences.
  • Clairalience: The ability to smell odors or scents associated with a spirit, often used to identify people, places, or experiences from their past.
  • Clairtangency (Psychometry): The ability to receive information by touching an object, allowing mediums to connect with the energy and history imprinted on the item by its owner.

These abilities help psychic mediums translate and convey messages from the spirit world to those seeking spiritual guidance or connection with loved ones. Mediums use these abilities to communicate messages of love, guidance, and validation to those still living, often providing healing, comfort, and closure.  Learn more about the seven psychic senses or clairs, discover your intuitive abilities, and connect to your inner wisdom in my blog, Understanding Intuition Part 2.

Common Questions About Mediums and Mediumship

Here are some of the most common questions people have about psychic mediums and mediumship to demystify the process and help you feel more informed and confident if you decide to explore this form of spiritual connection.

What’s the Difference Between a Psychic and a Medium? While many people use the terms "psychic" and "medium" interchangeably, all mediums are psychic, but not all psychics are mediums. A psychic uses intuition and energy to gain insight into situations, people, and events, often focusing on past, present, or potential future scenarios and possibilities. A medium, however, specifically connects with spirits and communicates with those who have passed away.

How Does a Medium Connect with Spirits? Mediums connect with spirits through their heightened sensitivities. Each medium has a unique way of receiving information, which may include seeing visual images, hearing messages, feeling sensations, or simply knowing information intuitively. They raise their energy while spirits lower theirs, meeting at an energetic middle ground. The medium then translates these messages into a form that can be understood by the living.

What Happens During a Mediumship Reading/Session? During a mediumship reading/session, the medium connects with the energy of the spirit world to bring through messages, guidance, validations, and insights from deceased loved ones, angels, or spirit guides for the person receiving the reading. Each session is a unique and personal experience. It’s important to approach the session with an open mind and without specific expectations, allowing the experience to unfold naturally. A reading typically focuses on providing healing, closure, and reassurance that the spirit of the loved one continues to exist in a different form.

How can I tell if a psychic medium is legitimate? Look for a psychic medium that is ethical, transparent, and upfront about their process and limitations. Check for reviews or testimonials, and consider recommendations from trusted sources. A reputable medium will not make unrealistic promises or guarantee outcomes. It’s important to listen to your intuition—if you feel comfortable and at ease, it’s a good sign that the medium may be a good fit for you.

Are mediumship readings dangerous or can they attract negative energies? When conducted ethically and with the right intention, mediumship readings are generally safe and meant to provide healing and guidance. Skilled mediums set clear boundaries and call upon higher vibrational energies to ensure that the session remains positive and protective. Negative experiences are rare but can occur if boundaries are not set or the medium is not working from a place of love and integrity. It’s always advisable to choose a medium that prioritizes safety and protection.

How can I prepare for a mediumship reading? To prepare for a mediumship reading, it’s helpful to come with an open mind and heart. Consider writing down specific questions or the names of loved ones you hope to connect with. Release any expectations and trust that the information that comes through is what you need to hear at this time. It’s also helpful to meditate or sit in quiet contemplation beforehand to center your energy.

Why do messages sometimes come through in ways that are hard to understand? Messages from the spirit world can sometimes be symbolic or metaphorical, making them challenging to interpret, at times. Spirits may use images or references that are meaningful to them or to the client, but not immediately clear. The medium’s job is to relay what they receive and help interpret it, but sometimes the full meaning becomes apparent only after the reading or with further contemplation when epiphanies can occur.

Is there a limit to how often I should see a psychic medium? There is no strict limit, but it’s generally advisable to allow time between readings to integrate the messages and insights received. Seeing a medium too frequently can create dependency and may hinder personal growth. Trust your intuition and seek out a reading when you feel called or when you’re looking for clarity on a specific issue, rather than as a frequent habit.

Can a psychic medium read someone without their permission? An ethical psychic medium will not read someone without their explicit permission, as this would be an invasion of privacy. Mediumship is intended to provide healing and guidance, and ethical standards are necessary to maintain integrity in the practice. Always seek out a medium that respects these boundaries and avoids prying into areas that are not invited.

Can you be Christian and believe in mediums or receive mediumship readings? Absolutely. For many, the belief in mediumship does not conflict with their Christian faith. Mediums often view their abilities as a spiritual gift intended to help others find healing and comfort, aligning with Christian values of love and compassion. Biblical references, such as the appearance of angels or messages from loved ones in dreams, demonstrate that communication with the spirit world is not entirely foreign to Christian teachings.

It is essential to respect one’s personal and religious boundaries, but also to recognize that connecting with the spirit world can provide comfort and closure without necessarily contradicting one’s faith. Many Christians have experienced emotional healing through mediumship, reaffirming their beliefs in eternal life and the continuity of the soul.

Is It Possible to Connect with a Spirit Who Has Just Passed Away? The timing of a spirit’s communication can vary. Some spirits may come through immediately, while others may need time to transition and adjust to the spirit world. Every soul’s journey is unique, so it’s best to trust the timing and approach the experience with patience.

Can Mediums Communicate with the Spirits of People Who Died a Long Time Ago? Yes, mediums can connect with spirits regardless of when they passed. The spirit world operates outside of linear time, so a spirit’s willingness and ability to communicate are not limited by how long it has been since they transitioned.

What If I Don’t Receive a Message from the Person I Wanted to Hear From? While it can be disappointing not to hear from a specific person, trust that the messages you receive are what you need at that moment. The spirit world often guides the communication based on what serves the highest good, which may mean connecting with another spirit who has a message for you.

Can Mediums Communicate with Pets? Yes, many mediums can connect with both living pets and the spirits of animals who have passed away. These individuals are often referred to as pet psychics or animal communicators. Pets have unique energy and personalities, and they often come through with messages of love and gratitude for their human companions.

Can Anyone Become a Medium or Is It a Gift You Are Born With? While many people are naturally more sensitive to spiritual energies and may have an easier time developing their mediumistic abilities, everyone has the potential to connect with the spirit world. It’s similar to learning a musical instrument—some may be more naturally inclined, but with practice, patience, and guidance, most people can learn to develop their mediumistic or intuitive abilities.

Working as a professional medium is often a calling and can involve extensive development and training to fine-tune one's abilities. It requires responsibility, integrity, and a strong ethical foundation.

Myths, Misconceptions, and Truths about Mediums and Mediumship 

Myth: All Psychic Mediums Are Frauds: Skepticism toward psychic mediums often arises from the belief that they are frauds seeking to exploit vulnerable individuals and create a dependence on their abilities or services. 

  • Truth: While there are unscrupulous practitioners in every field, most psychic mediums operate with integrity and a genuine desire to help others. Reputable mediums often work under strict ethical guidelines and place a high value on maintaining a sacred, respectful connection with the spirit world, and their clients. This also means they respect boundaries, maintain confidentiality, and use their abilities to help, not exploit. 
  • Truth: Mediums often approach their work as a sacred responsibility, maintaining honesty and transparency with their clients. 
  • Truth: Additionally, many mediums encourage personal empowerment during readings, guiding clients to trust their own intuition and wisdom rather than creating a dependency on psychic insight. Rather than making decisions for you, they provide clarity and insight, helping you see situations from a higher perspective. This guidance can catalyze self-growth, healing, and transformation. The goal is to help you align with your highest purpose and potential.

Myth: Mediumship is a Form of Magic or Trickery: Mediumship is often misunderstood as magic or trickery, but it is not about performing tricks or illusions. 

  • Truth: Genuine mediums use their abilities to connect with the spirit world and convey messages that are meaningful and often personal. Ethical mediums strive to provide honest and accurate information, not to deceive.

Myth: Mediums are Only for the Bereaved 

  • Truth: While many people seek out mediums during times of grief, mediums can offer valuable insights and guidance for anyone. Mediumship can provide clarity on various aspects of life, such as career decisions, personal growth, or relationship issues. It is not solely a tool for dealing with loss.

Myth: Mediums Only Work with the Deceased: Many people assume that mediums exclusively communicate with the deceased. 

  • Truth: While connecting with the spirits of those who have passed is a core part of mediumship, psychic mediums can also connect with spirit guides, angels, and other spiritual beings. Their abilities can extend beyond afterlife communication, offering guidance on life decisions, personal growth, or relationships based on the energy they tap into during the reading. Mediumship offers a wide range of spiritual tools that promote healing, clarity, and self-discovery. 
  • Truth: Just like how healthcare or mental health professionals have specific areas of expertise, psychic mediums often have their own specialties. Some may focus on past life readings, soul readings, auras, angelic communication, trance work, or Akashic records readings, offering unique insights beyond connecting with the deceased.

Myth: All Mediums are the Same

  • Truth: Mediums have varying styles and methods of communication. Some may rely on visual images, while others may hear or feel messages. Their abilities and approaches can differ widely, so it is important to find a medium whose style resonates with you.

Myth: Mediums Can Control Which Spirits They Contact

  • Truth: Mediums cannot always choose which spirits they will connect with. Often, the spirit world presents the spirits who wish to communicate or who have important messages for the living. The process is guided by the needs of the individuals involved and the spirits themselves.

Myth: Psychic Mediums Can or Should Be Able To Predict the Future with Certainty: Another widespread belief is that psychic mediums can predict the future with complete accuracy. 

  • Truth: In reality, no medium or psychic can guarantee future predictions. The future is fluid and shaped by free will, choices, and external factors. While psychic mediums may offer insight into potential outcomes based on present energy, it’s important to remember that we have control over and are ultimately responsible for our decisions and actions. 
  • Truth: The primary role of psychic mediums is to communicate with spirits and relay messages from them. While some mediums may offer insights about future events based on spiritual guidance, their main focus is often on providing messages of comfort and connection from the spirit world. Rather than focusing solely on future events, mediumship provides clarity on current situations and spiritual guidance that can empower you to make informed decisions.

Myth: Mediumship is Unnatural or Demonic

  • Truth: Mediumship is a natural ability that has been practiced across cultures and spiritual traditions for centuries. It is not inherently demonic or malevolent. Many people find that mediumship readings provide a positive and spiritually uplifting experience, offering reassurance and connection with loved ones.
  • Truth: At its core, mediumship is a spiritual practice that can bring individuals closer to understanding the interconnectedness of life. Mediums often serve as a reminder that we are not alone on our journey and that unseen forces are supporting us.
  • Truth: Mediumship opens the door to deeper self-awareness and a stronger connection to the divine.

Myth: Psychic Mediums Go Against Religious Beliefs: A common misconception is that seeking guidance from a psychic medium conflicts with religious beliefs. 

  • Truth: Many religions have strict interpretations about communicating with spirits or accessing psychic information, and this can cause people to fear or dismiss mediumship. However, the truth is more nuanced.
  • Truth: Many psychic mediums view their abilities as a spiritual gift and approach their practice with deep respect and integrity. Mediums often help individuals find healing, comfort, and closure, which can align with religious values of love, connection, and compassion. 
  • Truth: Some mediums, in fact, integrate their spiritual or religious beliefs into their practice, emphasizing messages of love and unity from the spirit world. The connection between spirituality and mediumship can be personal and varies from one individual to another. 
  • Truth: While it's important to respect personal or religious boundaries, dismissing mediumship purely based on misconceptions can prevent people from experiencing the emotional healing it often offers.

Myth: Psychic Mediums Can Read Your Mind: This is one of the most common misconceptions. 

  • Truth: People often think psychic mediums have the ability to read your mind, but this isn't true. Psychic mediums cannot access your private thoughts. They work with the energy around you, receiving impressions or messages from the spirit world or tapping into universal energy. These messages often come in the form of symbols, feelings, impressions, or mental images that need interpretation, not mind reading or telepathy.

The Role of Ethics and Professionalism in Mediumship

Ethical considerations are crucial in mediumship. Reputable mediums adhere to professional standards and ethical practices, ensuring that their work is respectful and supportive. They aim to provide genuine comfort and assistance without exploiting individuals’ vulnerabilities.

When seeking a medium, it’s important to:

  1. Research and Verify: Look for recommendations and reviews or testimonials to ensure the medium has a positive reputation and adheres to ethical practices.
  2. Trust Your Instincts: Choose a medium with whom you feel comfortable and whose approach resonates with you.
  3. Be Open-Minded: Approach the session with an open mind, understanding that the messages received may be symbolic, require interpretation, or may reveal deeper insights even after the reading/session concludes.

Evidential Mediumship: A Practice of Integrity

One form of mediumship that showcases ethical practices is evidential mediumship. Evidential mediums provide specific, detailed, and verifiable information about a deceased person to confirm that they are indeed connecting with the spirit of the departed. This information may include facts about their personality, specific memories, or hobbies/interests that the medium couldn't have known otherwise.

Evidential mediumship is centered on delivering messages with a high degree of accuracy to validate the existence of an afterlife and offer comfort to those seeking closure. Many evidential mediums undergo extensive training and/or certification to ensure they practice ethically and effectively. The purpose is not only to communicate with the spirit but to provide evidence that the connection is authentic, helping to alleviate skepticism and bring peace to those grieving.

The Benefits of Mediumship 

Mediumship continues to offer a range of benefits to those who seek it, extending beyond merely providing messages from deceased loved ones. In contemporary practice, mediumship can offer profound psychological, emotional, and spiritual support. Here are additional benefits and reasons why people might seek out mediumship readings:

Enhanced Emotional Healing

  • Closure and Peace: One of the most significant benefits of seeing a psychic medium is the emotional healing and closure that can come from connecting with loved ones in the spirit world. Many people seek out mediums to find peace regarding unresolved issues or lingering questions about a loved one's passing. Hearing messages from the deceased can offer reassurance that everything is okay or that forgiveness has been granted. Mediumship helps bridge the gap between life and death, providing reassurance that love transcends physical existence.
  • Processing Grief: Mediumship can help individuals process their grief by validating their feelings and experiences. People often turn to mediums when they are grieving and hearing messages from the other side can provide comfort, support, and validation. It provides a tangible connection to their loved ones, which can help in acknowledging and expressing emotions that might otherwise remain unspoken. For many, knowing that their loved ones are at peace and continue to watch over them offers a sense of relief and can significantly aid the grieving process.

Guidance and Insight

  • Personal Growth: Mediums often offer insights that encourage personal growth. Messages from the spirit world can highlight personal strengths, provide guidance on life choices, and encourage individuals to pursue their true passions and purposes.
  • Relationship Understanding: Mediumship can also offer clarity on unresolved issues within relationships. By communicating with spirits, individuals might gain insights into family dynamics or understand the broader context of their relationships with deceased loved ones.

Spiritual Connection and Comfort

  • Strengthening Spiritual Beliefs: For those who believe in an afterlife or spiritual realm, mediumship can affirm and strengthen these beliefs. It provides tangible experiences that reinforce the idea that the soul endures beyond physical death, offering a sense of continuity and connection.
  • Comfort During Difficult Times: Mediumship can provide comfort during challenging periods, such as during illness, significant life changes, or moments of uncertainty. Messages from the spirit world can offer encouragement and a sense of being supported by a larger spiritual network.

Practical Benefits

  • Decision-Making: Some individuals seek mediumship for practical guidance in decision-making. Spirits may offer advice or insights that help in making important life choices, such as career moves, financial decisions, or personal relationships.
  • Problem-Solving: Mediums can assist in addressing specific problems or challenges. Messages from the spirit world may provide new perspectives or solutions that hadn’t been considered before.

Enhancing Mental Health

  • Reducing Anxiety and Fear: Knowing that loved ones are still present in a spiritual sense can alleviate anxiety and fear related to death and the unknown. Mediumship can help in reducing existential fears by providing a comforting sense of continuity.
  • Promoting Inner Peace: The process of mediumship often leads to a greater sense of inner peace. By connecting with the spirit world, individuals may experience a reduction in mental distress and an increased sense of well-being.

Community and Support

  • Building Supportive Communities: Mediumship often fosters communities of individuals who share similar experiences and beliefs. These communities provide mutual support and understanding, creating a sense of belonging and shared purpose.
  • Educational Opportunities: Engaging with mediumship can also provide educational opportunities about spiritual practices, the nature of the afterlife, and personal development. Many mediums offer workshops, classes, and resources that can be enriching and enlightening.

Conclusion: The Value of Psychic Mediumship  

Psychic mediums offer far more than entertainment or sensationalism—they can be a source of healing, clarity, and spiritual growth. They can play a vital role in helping people navigate the complexities of life, death, and spirituality. By bridging the gap between the physical and spiritual worlds, they offer a means of communication that brings comfort, closure, and hope. 

Understanding the eternal nature of the soul and dispelling common myths allows us to appreciate the value that genuine mediumship sessions can bring to our lives. Whether you are seeking connection, guidance, or healing, a session with a reputable psychic medium can offer profound insights and help you navigate life with a deeper sense of peace and understanding.

If you are considering a session with a psychic medium, approach it with an open mind and trust that the experience will unfold in a way that serves your highest good. Choose a practitioner who resonates with you and upholds ethical standards. Remember, the messages you receive are meant to support your spiritual journey, validate your experiences, and provide reassurance that love truly transcends physical existence. Book a session with me here: Mediumship Session with Kristi.


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