Recognize Your Intuition
Are there times when you wonder if you are intuitive? Are you questioning what intuition looks like in everyday life? Maybe you recognize how your intuition seems to be on point at times. Then other times you feel like it is like Elvis and it has "completely left the building," disappearing to who knows where!
I'm not a gambler, but if I were wink, I'd bet you are experiencing intuitive signs and guidance pretty regularly. You just don't realize it! When I first started connecting the dots that experiences throughout my life were highly intuitive or "psychic," I had no idea! I really thought doesn't everyone just know these things, feel this way, have these same types of experiences?
Having a reference point outside ourselves can be so very helpful in understanding ourselves and navigating life. Whether you need help recognizing or reconnecting to your intuition, I've got you covered. Intuition often feels like a whisper from within, guiding us through life's decisions and experiences. Recognizing, embracing, connecting, and developing this inner wisdom can lead to more fulfilling and purpose-driven lives.
Embracing your intuition means valuing it as much as you do your rational mind. It’s about balancing the logical with the intuitive, allowing both to guide you in harmony. By understanding and practicing the ways to connect with your intuition, you can enhance your decision-making, boost creativity, and lead a more fulfilling life.
Intuition is not just a mysterious force but a practical tool that, when honed, can greatly enhance many areas in your life. One way to deepen our connection to intuition is by recognizing the way intuitive guidance is received within our bodies. Additionally, understanding the different types of intuitive or psychic senses, often referred to as the "clairs" is beneficial too. You might be pleasantly surprised by what you discover!
The Different Types of Psychic Senses
- Clairvoyance (Clear Seeing): This is the ability to see images or visions that are not visible to the physical eye. It can manifest as seeing colors, shapes, or even full scenes and symbols in the mind's eye.
- Clairaudience (Clear Hearing): This sense involves receiving intuitive information through hearing. It could be hearing voices, sounds, or music that others cannot hear, often coming from a spiritual source.
- Clairsentience (Clear Feeling): This is the ability to feel the emotions or physical sensations of others. Empaths often have strong clairsentient abilities, allowing them to pick up on the feelings or emotions of those around them.
- Claircognizance (Clear Knowing): This is the intuitive sense of just knowing something without any logical basis. It's like having a sudden insight or an "aha" moment that provides clarity and understanding.
- Clairgustance (Clear Tasting): This rare sense involves tasting something that isn't physically present. It can provide intuitive messages through specific taste sensations.
- Clairalience (Clear Smelling): This involves smelling odors that have no physical source. These smells often have specific meanings or connections to people or events.
- Clairtangency (Clear Touch): Also known as psychometry, this is the ability to receive information through touch. By holding an object, a person with clairtangency can sense details about its history or the person who owns or owned it.
Real-Life Examples of the Seven Clairs
1. Clairvoyance (Clear Seeing)
Example 1: You're reading a book, and suddenly, a mental image of a long-lost friend appears in your mind's eye. Immediately or later that day, you receive an unexpected call or message from that very friend.
My Example: I rarely see symbols. I see colors (soul/aura colors), images, and clips of scenes as if I were seeing them on a movie screen. While colors can have different meanings or associations, when I see the color pink it represents that the individual is compassionate, loving, and kind. I've experienced the above example many times. I've also initiated a call or text to a friend for them to say they were just thinking about me.
2. Clairaudience (Clear Hearing)
Example 1: As you're driving, you hear a distinct voice in your head advising you to take a different route home. You may hear “exit here,” “turn right," etc. You follow the advice and later learn that there was a major accident on your usual route or a traffic jam for some other reason.
My Example: During meditation, I heard the actual voice of my mom’s deceased former boss, Jack, saying hello to me and providing an encouraging message for my mom. Most often I hear words drop in offering where to find something such as “closet” or “beach bag” when asking for spiritual support to find a lost item or when providing an intuitive service for a client.
3. Clairsentience (Clear Feeling)
Example 1: You meet someone for the first time and immediately feel a sense of unease, even though they seem friendly. Later, you find out that this person has a history of deceitful behavior.
My Example: I am 100% an empath. Initially, this was one of my strongest psychic senses and one of the most easy to recognize. Most often, I feel chills up and down my arms that signal the presence of truth or spirit. Sometimes, I will feel the emotions or aches/pains of someone else in my body. I've also experienced the above example as well as the reverse of feeling a person's kindness upon meeting them and becoming good friends.
4. Claircognizance (Clear Knowing)
Example 1: You're considering a new business venture. Out of nowhere, you have a strong and clear thought that the venture will be successful, even though you haven't done much research yet. Your gut feeling proves correct as the venture flourishes.
My Example: This was and still is my strongest psychic ability. I just at times easily know and receive intuitive information about people, places, situations, solutions, and creative projects. That is how I received the name for and what led to the start of my channeling WOWs - Words of Wisdom. The inspired idea and information just popped into my thoughts.
5. Clairgustance (Clear Tasting)
Example 1: While working at your desk, you suddenly taste the distinctive flavor of your grandmother's homemade apple pie. This taste sensation brings back fond memories and later, you find an old recipe book that belonged to her.
My Example: I haven’t experienced this one, but this was one a former co-worker experienced often. She would suddenly, out of the blue have the taste of a specific food her sister or family used to cook.
6. Clairalience (Clear Smelling)
Example 1:While cleaning your home, you catch the strong scent of roses. Later, you find out that it’s the anniversary of your great-grandmother's passing, and roses were her favorite flower.
My Example: When going through a difficult time of grief several years ago, I was awakened by the strong smell of my dad’s cologne. I was the only one at home. Although, my dad passed away in 1997, it was his way of letting me know he was there for me. This was a sign from him of his love and support for me.
7. Clairtangency (clear touch)
Example 1: You touch an antique ring at a flea market and suddenly see a flash of a woman in Victorian attire. The vendor later tells you the ring belonged to a woman from that era.
My Example: Upon walking into a home for sale, I felt tearful and sad (clairsentience). Those feelings intensified after touching the mantel with family photos. We later learned from the real estate agent, that the home was for sale due to the recent and sudden passing of the father of the family.
Connecting with Your Inner Wisdom: 10 Tips
1. Meditate Regularly: Meditation quiets the mind, making it easier to hear and recognize intuitive messages. Even a few minutes a day can make a significant difference.
2. Keep a Journal: Writing down your thoughts, feelings, and any intuitive hits can help you track patterns and better understand your psychic senses.
3. Pay Attention to Dreams: Dreams often carry intuitive insights. Keep a dream journal by your bed and jot down your dreams as soon as you wake up.
4. Practice Mindfulness: Being present in the moment helps you notice subtle intuitive cues. Mindfulness exercises can heighten your awareness of your surroundings and inner thoughts.
5. Trust Your Gut: Your initial reaction or gut feeling is often your intuition speaking. Practice trusting these feelings, even if they don't always make logical sense.
6. Spend Time in Nature: Nature has a grounding effect that can help clear your mind and enhance your intuitive abilities. Take regular walks or simply sit outside and observe the natural world.
7. Use Divination Tools: Tools like oracle/angel/tarot cards, automatic writing, and asking for signs can help focus your intuition to provide clarity on specific questions or situations.
8. Listen to Your Body: Your body often gives intuitive signals through physical sensations. Pay attention to how you feel in different situations and around different people.
9. Engage in Creative Activities: Creativity can unlock your intuition. Activities like painting, writing, or playing music can help you tap into your subconscious mind.
10. Practice Self-Compassion: Be kind to yourself and patient as you develop your intuition. It's a journey, and self-doubt can block your intuitive abilities.
By understanding, honing, and connecting to your psychic senses, you can better navigate your life with the help of your inner wisdom. These practices not only enhance your intuitive abilities but also foster a deeper connection with yourself and the world around you.
Remember, intuition is a natural part of who we are—embracing it can lead to profound insights and a more enriched life. So, take time to listen to that quiet inner voice and trust the wisdom it brings.
WOW - Words of Wisdom
I love connecting with my intuition! It is one of my most utilized and treasured gifts, although it took time for me to recognize, connect, and develop it. Now, my intuitive abilities enable me to provide insight, support, and guidance for individuals during an Intuitive session, a Soul reading session, or Spiritual mentoring sessions.
Spiritual mentoring involves exploring your inner world and beliefs, deepening your connection to the spiritual realm, and aligning your actions with your personal values. It can also include identifying and developing your intuition and/or your healing, intuitive, and mediumship abilities. Together, we'll create a roadmap tailored specifically to your spiritual development goals.
My intuition also allows me to continue receiving and sharing a channeled WOW with you! I hope they resonate with you!
My most recent WOW - Words of Wisdom is about recognizing and trusting your Intuition. You can see more WOWs on my Facebook and Instagram accounts.
Have you been able to recognize intuitive guidance? Which intuitive or psychic senses do you possess? Which ones are the strongest for you? I'd also love to know when your intuition best served you! Let me know in the comments below.
Be on the lookout for the upcoming blog where I will do a deeper dive into the psychic senses, share more of my experiences, and how to navigate blocks to receiving intuitive guidance. By signing up below, you can receive the latest blog right into your inbox! That's the best way to keep receiving more personal and spiritual information.
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