
Discover Your Life Purpose: A Journey to Fulfillment life purpose personal transformation Jul 07, 2024

Have you ever wondered, "What is my purpose? Or maybe you've asked, "Why am I here?" Sometimes the question may be, What am I supposed to be doing with my life?  And often, we ask, "Am I on the right path and if so, how would I know?" These are all common questions many people ask themselves...

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Understanding Spiritual Awakening: Emergence, Transformative Experiences, and Spiritual Crisis life purpose near-death experience spiritual awakening spiritual crisis Jun 09, 2024

A Collective Shift: Purpose, Fulfillment, and Spirituality

Although the start of the Coronavirus pandemic was more than four years ago, it led to a significant collective shift that continues to shape our lives. It was a major factor in people beginning to explore their level of satisfaction and...

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Lifeā€™s Delays - Passions, Dreams, Goals, and Desires life purpose personal transformation May 24, 2024

An Update on My Book Journey 

The road to writing a book and getting it published is a journey of its own...just like life. There are winding roads, rewards, speed bumps, and epiphanies. Additionally, there are often delays, growth points, roadblocks or detours, and sweet surprises…...

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